Installing TinyStories on a Raspberry Pi 5: A Step-by-Step Guide
Reading time: 3 minutes
The Raspberry Pi 5 has brought new levels of performance to hobbyist computing, making it possible to explore sophisticated AI models like TinyStories. This lightweight language model is designed to operate efficiently with minimal computational resources, making it a perfect candidate for deployment on the Raspberry Pi 5.
Software Is Everywhere
Reading time: 3 minutes
We live in a world built on software, but what if the natural world itself runs on software-like principles? That’s the idea at the heart of "Software in the Natural World: A Computational Approach to Hierarchical Emergence". The authors argue that many systems in nature - your brain, ecosystems, even particle dynamics - can be thought of as running their own “software,” complete with abstractions and layers, just like the operating systems on your devices.
Small Language Models: Unlocking Big Possibilities
Reading time: 4 minutes
The era of large language models (LLMs) has seen unprecedented advances in natural language processing, but recent innovations reveal a surprising countertrend: making language models smaller, smarter, and more accessible. Two recent breakthroughs exemplify this shift: Microsoft’s phi-3-mini, capable of running directly on a smartphone, and the TinyStories project, which trains models with fewer than 10 million parameters to tell coherent stories. These advancements are not just technological curiosities; they pave the way for practical applications that were previously unimaginable.